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Finding the way across the golden bridge...

Tell us about your problem...We can help.

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The Mediation Agency would like to help you find a solution to your dispute. Mediation improves understanding, increases listening skills among participants, and opens the lines of communication to assist everyone in reaching a resolution.

We understand the level of emotion, anxiety and frustration that accompanies conflict. Mediation is a confidential, neutral process that is guided by a professional mediator. Mediation allows disputing parties to retain control of the outcome. This is in stark contrast to the process of litigation where the process, and its outcome, will be determined by a judge with the parties, and their cases, represented by lawyers.

Formal mediations require all disputing parties to sign an agreement to mediate and everyone, including witnesses, must sign a confidentiality agreement. This ensures that everyone understands the process and comes to the mediation in good faith. It also assures that anything disclosed or discovered during the mediation will remain confidential and may not be used in a court of law should the mediation not succeed.
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We specialise in areas of workplace conflict, family and neighbour disputes and business negotiation. So, how do you begin the process of mediation?

Contact us for a confidential consultation. Our staff will contact all the participants in the dispute to determine if they will agree to mediation. If everyone agrees to proceed in good faith, we will arrange a neutral location, date and time for the mediation or negotiation to take place.

Below is a brief dispute intake form. All information supplied is confidential, let us know the basic issues you are facing and we will be in touch as soon as possible.